Liatinový guľový ventil
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Liatinový guľový ventil

Guľový ventil z liatiny je ventil s núteným tesnením, takže keď je ventil zatvorený, musí sa na disk vyvinúť tlak, aby sa utesnila tesniaca plocha. Keď médium vstupuje do ventilu zospodu disku, odpor, ktorý musí prevádzková sila prekonať, je trecia sila drieku ventilu a tesnenia a tlak generovaný tlakom média. Sila na zatvorenie ventilu je väčšia ako sila na jeho otvorenie, preto liatina Priemer drieku ventilu globálneho ventilu by mal byť veľký, inak by sa driek ventilu pri poruche ohýbal.

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Liatinaglalokvalve is a forced-sealing valve, so when the valve is closed, pressure must be applied to the disc to force the sealing surface to not leak. When the medium enters the valve from below the disc, the resistance that the operating force needs to overcome is the friction force of the valve stem and packing and the thrust generated by the pressure of the medium. The force to close the valve is greater than the force to open the valve, so LiatinaThe diameter of the valve stem of the glalokvalve should be large, otherwise the valve stem will bend up failure.


2. Parameters of LiatinaGlalokValve

Typ ventilu
PN(MPaï¼ ‰
Návrhový teplotný rozsah
-15 „„ 200 200 “
Typ pripojenia:
Typ aktuátora
Ručný pohon, pneumatický, hydraulický alebo elektrický pohon
Použiteľné médium
Voda, olej, plyn a rôzne korózne médiá

Náhradné diely
Disk krytu tela
Kovaná oceľ, oceľ liatina
Kovaná oceľ, oceľ liatina
Flexibilný grafit, vylepšený flexibilný grafit, PTEE
Tesniaca podložka
Vylepšený grafit Flexiblo, nerezová oceľ, PTFE
Tesniaca tvár
13Cr,STL, PTFE, nylon, s materiálom Body


3. Advantages of Liatinaglalokvalve

1) The structure of the Liatinaglalokvalve is simpler than that of the gate valve, and it is more convenient to manufacture and maintain.
2) Tesniaci povrchof Liatinaglalokvalve is not easy to wear and scratch, and the sealing performance is good. There is no relative sliding between the valve disc and the sealing surface of the valve body when opening and closing, so neither abrasion nor abrasion is serious. The sealing performance is good and the service life is long. .
3) When the Liatinaglalokvalve is opened and closed, the disc stroke is small, so the height of the shut-off valve is smaller than that of the gate valve, but the structure length is longer than that of the gate valve.
4) Liatinaglalokvalve has a large opening and closing moment, which is laborious and takes a long time.
5) The medium channel in the Liatinaglalokvalve is tortuous, the fluid resistance is large, and the power consumption is large.
6) When the nominal pressure of the medium flow direction of the Liatinaglalokvalve PN≤16MPa, the downstream flow is generally adopted, and the medium flows upward from the bottom of the valve flap; when the nominal pressure PN≥20MPa, the reverse flow is generally adopted, and the medium flows downward from the top of the valve flap. In order to increase the seal performance. When in use, the shut-off valve medium can only flow in one direction and cannot change the direction of flow.
7) The valve flap is often eroded when the Liatinaglalokvalve is fully opened.

4. FAQ





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